This marvelous book on the Nunn family of Wexford, Ireland was produced by Eddie Jordan, a renowned family history researcher in Ireland. It covers the Nunn family history from their arrival in Ireland in 1647 as part of Cromwell’s army. Captain Richard Nunn, an officer in Ireton’s Guard, was awarded large tracts of land in Co. Wexford and it is from his involvement in the local politics and the development of agricultural potential that his successors became successful. The history covers the family’s involvement with the Guinness family and company, their trials and tribulations during the volatile development of Ireland. There is coverage of members of the family who moved to the United States, Australia and South Africa, and became successful. It is in fact a representation of the family from the days of Cromwell up to present day.
The book has 307 pages and is filled with photographs, paintings and anecdotes that relate to the family. You can also get a copy from Eddie Jordan directly via email. You can contact Eddie at Eddie Jordan.